The Japanese Community Volunteers Association, “Tonari Gumi” gratefully acknowledges and thanks the following people for their generous donations received July 26 to August 30, 2022.Although we try our best, we may miss your name.Please contact us and we will make correction.
Monetary Donations June Yamamoto, Lily Haraga, Canadian Online Giving Foundation – Employee matching for Royal Bank of Canada & Telus Communication Inc.
In honour of David & Jane Iwaasa's 50th Anniversary on behalf of myself and Marie and Joyce Sakon Margaret Sakon, Marie Sakon, Joyce Sakon
In memory of Kathy Ashikawa Shawn Nishimura
In memory of the late Naomi Hughes (née Hayashi) May Ishikawa
In memory of Jane Shimokura Terry, Nellie and Cydney Wong
In memory of Phillis & Dave Kobayashi’s mom Terry, Nellie and Cydney Wong
In memory of Jane Jim & Marilyne Uchida Terry, Nellie and Cydney Wong
Monetary Donations (Canada Helps) Paul A. White
In memory of Yoshiko Uyeyama (Canada Helps) Peter Uyeyama
In Kind Donation
Itsuko Takemoto, Aki Miyaji, Mina Kitsuda, Isako Nagai, Wendy & Garry Hynes, Seiko Nakazawa, Tomoko Shibano, Noriko Miki, Claudio Bucci, Nancy Suda, Mine Bieller, Tak Sugii, Shawn Nishimura, Stella Tin, Jessy Johl/Queen Elizabeth Lions Club, Trident Foods, Anonymous (1)
** MONTHLY GIVING ** Monetary Donations (Canada Helps) Takashi Sato, Tsutae Suzuki, Mitsuko Mizuguchi, Tamotsu Nagata, Satomi Yamashita, Emiko Morita, Anonymous (1)