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Donors: June 30 - July 26, 2022

The Japanese Community Volunteers Association, “Tonari Gumi” gratefully acknowledges and thanks the following people for their generous donations received June 30 to July 26, 2022. Although we try our best, we may miss your name. Please contact us and we will make correction.

Monetary Donations Tae Helgeth, Mitsuko Mizuguchi, Roberta Nasu, Saeko Tsuda, Kimiko Sato, Sachiko Matsumoto, Anonymous (1)

In memory of my parents Tomi & Nobuo Nishimura Shawn Nishimura

Monetary Donations (Canada Helps) CanadaHelps COVID-19 Community Care Fund, Canada Helps Vancouver Fund

In memory of Tomie Oishi (Canada Helps) Yvonne Wakabayashi

In memory of Bob & Naomi Hughes (Canada Helps) Yvonne Wakabayashi

In Kind Donation Ken & Junko Shinozaki, Aki Foster, Miwako Akio, Noboru Matsumoto, Patricia Miyagawa, Katusko Alberts, Ohomi Sugawara, Shawn Nishimura, Yukie Aratake, Hiroshi Hasegawa, Kayoko Hayashi, Miya Taka, Stella Tin, Jessy Johl/Queen Elizabeth Lions Club, Anonymous (9)

** MONTHLY GIVING ** Monetary Donations (Canada Helps) Takashi Sato, Tsutae Suzuki, Mitsuko Mizuguchi, Tamotsu Nagata, Satomi Yamashita, Emiko Morita, Anonymous (1)


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